
Green numbers mean better values, yellow numbers mean mediocre values, and red numbers mean worse values. For example, a green sale price means a cheaper price compared to average prices, a green buy price means an expensive price. The numbers are calculated for each commodity separately based on other market characteristics of the commodity and do not depend on the characteristics of other commodities.

Click on a commodity icon to open a third-party site.
Move the mouse over a commodity to highlight its possible relation to other ones. Hold Alt key to ignore mouse movement.

Click on the planets buttons at the bottom of the frame to enable/disable their related resources and see what can and can't still be produced on different combinations. Double click on planet button activates this planet, double click on single active planet activates all planets.

You can also individually select the commodities when clicking on them to combine them and highlight their possible output.
To help you with that, you can then press I to select all the inputs of a commodity, O for all its outputs, and P for all its pairable commodities. Press again the same key to revert selection, make double click on background near commodities to revert all selections.

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UniWiki Planetary Interaction
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